
The access to the garden of this contemporary-style home offers multiple pathways. From the ground floor, a series of terraces lead to the back of the house, where the garden takes center stage as an extension of the living room.
However, this space lacked a clear purpose, presenting an opportunity to redefine its character.
The decision was made to remove the lawn, which was not functional, and replace it with different types of gravel, dividing the space to create a more dynamic layout and introducing a side path that connects to the house. In the areas bordered by the most voluminous shrubs, the homeowners decided to incorporate sculptures from their personal collection, transforming the garden into a private outdoor gallery.
The selected plant palette includes aromatic species such as lavender, rosemary, and abelia, which are combined with pittosporums and two strawberry trees, adding texture and color to the design. As complementary elements, palm trees and pines rise above the property’s boundaries, adding height and depth to the landscape.
However, this space lacked a clear purpose, presenting an opportunity to redefine its character.
The decision was made to remove the lawn, which was not functional, and replace it with different types of gravel, dividing the space to create a more dynamic layout and introducing a side path that connects to the house. In the areas bordered by the most voluminous shrubs, the homeowners decided to incorporate sculptures from their personal collection, transforming the garden into a private outdoor gallery.
The selected plant palette includes aromatic species such as lavender, rosemary, and abelia, which are combined with pittosporums and two strawberry trees, adding texture and color to the design. As complementary elements, palm trees and pines rise above the property’s boundaries, adding height and depth to the landscape.